Specializing in More Good Days

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Stay Cool This Summer with Dayspring Hospice!

What is better on a hot afternoon than some ice cream? Residents and staff at Ozark Health and Rehabilitation, LLC had a delightful surprise this week, when The Cool Bus paid a visit, providing refreshing ice cream treats for everyone to enjoy, compliments of DaySpring Hospice.

Seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces as they enjoyed their icy treats was heartwarming. It was a perfect way to cool down and celebrate the hard work and dedication of our healthcare heroes and beloved residents.

While enjoying these sweet moments, it’s important to remember the dangers that summer heat can pose, especially for the elderly. High temperatures can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke, which can be particularly severe for older adults. Ensuring they stay cool and hydrated is crucial.

At DaySpring Hospice, we are committed to the well-being of our community, and events like these help us combine fun with awareness. Here’s to more sweet moments, safe summers, and heartfelt celebrations!